
Days Out There - EP02

For this episode Marc and co. went to film in Ahrntal - South Tyrol where they had a real fun day! As the powder days were pretty rare last season they were even more hyped! A day whiteout pressure, just cruising with the friends, enjoying the view, see what comes next. Here they simply went soul riding. Enjoy!

Production Crew

Riders: Mario Wanger & Marc Grossgasteiger

Filmed by: Daniél Niederkofler & Jonathan Leitner

Music: Skygaze - Tea Time

Editing: Marc Grossgasteiger

Graphics: Daniel Niederkofler

Location: Speikboden

D.O.T Episode 2

Watch the episode now! Either right here, right now, or over on Marc's YouTube channel via this link: Days Out There - Episode 2